Medical Financing

Get the equipment, property, and funds you need to smooth out insurance billing cycles.

To run an independent clinic or medical facility takes resources. Platz Capital is experienced in sourcing financing for even the most innovative clinics and medical technologies. No matter your area of medical expertise or organizational structure – provider network, stand-alone dentist office, pediatric care provider, neurologist or sports medicine specialist – Platz Capital can source the funds you need to take your practice to the next level.

Equipment Financing for Medical Facilities

Medical equipment often comes with pre-approved financing, but many new providers are either ineligible or offered unreasonable terms. Choose your own financial terms with options including low monthly payments, low interest, and low cost of money when you finance medical equipment through Platz Capital. We also help clinics evaluate leasing options as compared to purchase to get the most for their money – and from their equipment over time.

Medical Equipment Benefits


Reasonable rates on leases for equipment you consistently upgrade


Purchase properties in competitive markets with fast-closing private funds


Buy equipment with more financing flexibility than manufacturers can offer


Even out cash flow with a choice of working capital financing options for your practice

Traditional and non-traditional lenders available to you

In Capital Accessible Through Our Network

Fastest time to funding through Platz Capital

Property Financing for Medical Providers

Clinics and medical facilities require unique architectural features. Build your next location from the ground up with commercial real estate financing, or, if you’ve found an existing property that will suit your practice, or that could with the right upgrades, talk with our team about acquisition and property improvement loans. Today, terms for construction “term to perm” loans which cover the cost of work and roll into a standard commercial mortgage are competitive to property acquisition loans in many markets. We help you identify the variables so you have the information to choose the right option for your practice.

Working Capital Funds for Medical Providers

Every medical provider knows the challenge of collecting payments from insurance providers. Every office has employees dedicated to working through pre-auths, claims, and then fighting on patient’s behalf to get the right coverage. Insurers seem to hire even more staff to counter and delay those claims, but that means that cash flow can be constrained at even the most successful practices. Platz Capital secures a range of financing options including factoring accounts receivable, asset refinancing, sale leasebacks for property and equipment, and secured or unsecured revolving lines of credit. We work with you to choose the best options available.


Step 1 – Preapplication

This is the step the banks miss. You’ll give us simple information that will help us position you for funding.


Step 2 – Financing Selection

Our team sources and presents offers along with the critical information you need to make decisions.


Step 3 – Closing

We facilitate the process from final selection to closing to create the smoothest process possible.